Strings Group
Schedule Options:
- Strings Group Beginner
- Strings Group Intermediate
There’s so much that goes into learning the violin – bowing, fingering, posture, note reading. We’ve got the perfect combination of learning and fun rolled into our Strings Group Lessons. Learn with friends and enjoy the process of making music together.
Beginner and Intermediate classes available. Register now!
Strings Beginner – 7-11 Years Old
Strings Intermediate – 9-15 Years Old
How long are the classes?
50 Minute, Weekly sessions, September to June. Registration is open throughout the year.
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Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 8 PM
Sat: 9 AM – 3 PM
Sun: Home making music with our families!
Joyful Sounds Music Studio
3060 Hwy #2,
Fall River, NS,
B2T 1J5
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